We are looking forward hearing from you or to meet you in person at Hotel Maria Kapel.
Contact details
T.n.v. Stichting Kunstenaarsinitiatief “Hotel Mariakapel”
Korte Achterstraat 2a
1621 GA Hoorn
The Netherlands
IBAN: NL14 INGB 0008 2401 12
RSIN: 812129908
Opening hours
Thursday to Saturday
1 to 5 PM (free admittance)
Email us
Transport & Parking
Hotel Maria Kapel is easily accessible by train from across the Netherlands: Hoorn Station is only 600 meters away from location. HMK is located in the city center of Hoorn, where there is paid parking and a maximum parking time of 2 hours applies. Free parking is possible at Nieuwe Wal in Hoorn, which is 1 km away from HMK.