Meet & Greet #1: Yin Yin Wong
Meet our current resident Yin Yin Wong (they/them) on Thursday, 23 January, between 1 and 2 pm in Hotel Maria Kapel.
Open walk-in; be on time so you don’t miss anything!
More about Yin Yin Wong.
Opening: Yin Yin Wong
March 7 marks celebrating the exhibition's opening by our current resident, Yin Yin Wong.
During the opening, Wong will perform in Dutch.
Mark the date in your calendars. More information will follow.
Yin Yin Wong (they/them) explores the untold stories of the (Southeast) Asian diaspora in the Netherlands, drawing from personal experiences and the representation of this community.
Currently, they are researching possible bridges and juxtapositions between their modernist graphic design education and their Chinese-Malaysian diasporic upbringing. By focusing on themself as a site where different legacies and languages converge and complicate each other, Wong looks for overlaps that speak cross-culturally. Through an auto-ethnographic lens, they question the dominant frameworks that permeate almost every aspect of their life.
Verhalen onder de sterren; overnachten in de kapel
[This event is organised in Dutch.]
Het aantal plekken voor dit evenement is beperkt. Mail ons voor beschikbaarheid en reserveringen.
Hotel Maria Kapel organiseert op de nacht van 6 op 7 december een uniek evenement waarbij bezoekers van Hotel Maria Kapel, jongeren en geïnteresseerden voor één nacht in de kapel kunnen overnachten.
18:00 Inloop
18:30 Introductie & gezamenlijke maaltijd
20:00 Lezing sterrenkijken door sterrenkundige Jos Lankreijer
21:00 Film +telescoop in de tuin
21:30 Voorleesprogramma ism Bibliotheek Hoorn + creatieve activiteiten
23:00 Muzikale afsluiting van slaapliedjes
23:30 Slapen in de kapel
08:00 Gezamenlijk ontbijt
Presentation: Porosity of Parabels
Join the presentation Porosity of Parabels by Ratu R. Saraswati upcoming Friday at HMK! Walk-in from 4pm and presentation starts at 5pm.
Performance event: Isabel Cordeiro, 'Made of matter, formed by motion'
Join us for the opening of Made of matter, formed by motion by Isabel Cordeiro, on Friday 6 September, from 16:00 to 22:00. During this evening, which coincides with Hoorn's Cultuurweekend, the installation will be on view and continuously transforming, with two performances taking place at 17:00 and 20:30 respectively.
This is a public opening; making a reservation is not necessary.
Isabel Cordeiro, 'Where is my foot?' - public hanging session
Thursday, 8 August, 15:00-17:00
Free admittance. Make sure to register here.
Join us for the public hanging session Where is my foot? by artist Isabel Cordeiro, on Thursday, 8 August, from 15:00 to 17:00. During this afternoon we get to learn more about the project Made by matter, formed by motion, for which she develops a performance that reflects on how every being is in a perpetual state of movement, exchange and becoming. By being suspended mid-air, the artist aims to subvert and rethink our relationship to our bodies, our landscapes, and our changing times.
Where is my foot? invites the audience to partake in the experience of suspension, and to think more attentively about how our physical and contextual surroundings push us into being. Join us!
Note: For this event, there’s limited availability, so make sure to register in time. Also, don’t forget to wear/bring sports or athleisure clothing.
Sveske Ourø, ‘Dy(e)ing to be reborn’
Dy(e)ing to be reborn; collective grass-dy(e)ing experiment
Saturday 15 June, 11:00-16:00 (organised in English)
Open to all, reservations not required.
Join us on the patchwork of green in the chapel for a scenic adventure tracing the interior landscape of Hotel Maria Kapel on Saturday 15 June, where we will learn to paint and create with grass. On the last day of Green, green, - grass!, Sveske invites artist Sophie Dandanell to play with the material central to the exhibition: grass. By making prints on fabric with the grass, we will explore a way to grasp and capture the installation and the themes discussed, long after it has left the chapel. Together with participants, we develop a visual testament of the nine grass beds in the chapel and re-create the installation into an imaginary landscape where our relationship to nature, in particular, green, green, grass, is more consciously experienced.
Choir recital: 'A tune for grass, attuned to grass'
Choir recital led by Marinet Koeman
Thursday, 6 June 2024, 17:00-18:00
(no reservations needed, everyone is welcome)
OPENING: Sveske Ourø, 'Green, green, - grass!'
Join us during the opening of Sveske Ourø’s exhibition Green, green, - grass! on 31 May, from 16:00 to 19:00.
Reservations are not necessary. Everybody is welcome.
ON VIEW: Sveske Ourø, 'Green, green, - grass!'
Visit the exhibition Green, green, - gras! by artist Sveske Ourø during opening hours, Thu-Sat, from 13:00 to 17:00.
In the cinema: Sveske Ourø, 'Surrendering to Domesticated Pieces of Grass'
As part of het project Green, green, - gras! by Sveske Ourø, her video-performance Surrendering to Domesticated Pieces of Grass is on view in the cinema from 18 April to 30 May.
Sveske Ourø, 'Green, green, - grass!' - Presentation in growth
Visit Hotel Maria Kapel during our opening hours (Thu-Sat, 13:00-17:00) to watch Sveske Ourø’s project Green, green, - grass! grow.
Sveske Ourø, Meet & greet w/ collective planting and sowing
Meet artist Sveske Ourø and get to know the project Green, green, - gass! during the Meet & Greet.
We will learn more about her ongoing research into grass, and its domestication over the past centuries — and how these have led to the parcelled landscape we are so familiar with. The artist will also talk more about how cultivating our landscape has contributed to the biodiversity crisis, farmers' strikes and global warming.
Afterwards, we will collectively sow grass in the soil beds Sveske has placed in the chapel. Join us!
FINISSAGE: Kwinnie Lê, 'The land of the tattooed; ungodly beasts'
Join us for the closing event of The land of the tattooed: ungodly beasts by Kwinnie Lê, on 8 March: 15:00-19:00.
15:00 - doors open
16:00 - performance with Nash Caldera
17:00 - performative dinner with Fileona Dkhar
19:00 - end
For their residency at Hotel Maria Kapel, artist Kwinnie Lê investigates the erasure of tattoo traditions under colonial rule, and the subsequent demonization of its practices in the years since. An installation of suspended tapestries covered with semi-fictional writings will set the arena for meetings, performances and private tattooing rituals with guest-participants Joe Patty Sabandar (traditional tattoo artist), Fileona Dkhar (visual artist) and Nash Caldera (visual artist), thus investigating their cultural heritage and the way it has been excluded from the modern tattoo industry.
Between 3 and 6 March, you can make an appointment for a private session with Kwinnie Lê and Nash Caldera.
SUNTIPEDE is a sacred space for Queer/BIPOC in which tattoos are used as a reclamation of your own body.
For more information and appointments, please send an email to
EXHIBITION: Kwinnie Lê, 'The land of the tattooed; ungodly beasts'
Visit the exhibition The land of the tattooed: ungodly beasts by Kwinnie Lê.
For their residency at Hotel Maria Kapel, artist Kwinnie Lê investigates the erasure of tattoo traditions under colonial rule, and the subsequent demonization of its practices in the years since. An installation of suspended tapestries covered with semi-fictional writings will set the arena for meetings, performances and private tattooing rituals with guest-participants Joe Patty Sabandar (traditional tattoo artist), Fileona Dkhar (visual artist) and Nash Caldera (visual artist), thus investigating their cultural heritage and the way it has been excluded from the modern tattoo industry.
OPENING: Kwinnie Lê, 'The land of the tattooed; ungodly beasts'
Join us for the opening of Kwinnie Lê, The land of the tattooed: ungodly beasts on Friday, 9 February, 16.00-18.00.
w/ pigment grinding ritual with special guest Joe Patty-Sabandar.
(Public event, no reservations needed.)
ARTIST TOUR: 'One cubic meter of gas'
ARTIST TOURS: David Camargo & Amauta García take you through the exhibition One cubic meter of gas!
Don't miss it! On Saturday 25 November, 2 December and 9 December (the last day of the exhibition), artists Amauta and David will be present at Hotel Maria Chapel to give visitors a special tour of the exhibition. These tours start at 16:00 and last about 15 minutes. Afterwards, there will be opportunity to have a chat with a cup of tea and cosy warmth given off by the ceramic sculptures to the exhibition space in the chapel.
There is no need to register, just make sure you are present in the chapel on time. Hope to see you then!
ARTIST TOUR: 'One cubic meter of gas'
ARTIST TOURS: David Camargo & Amauta García take you through the exhibition One cubic meter of gas!
Don't miss it! On Saturday 25 November, 2 December and 9 December (the last day of the exhibition), artists Amauta and David will be present at Hotel Maria Chapel to give visitors a special tour of the exhibition. These tours start at 16:00 and last about 15 minutes. Afterwards, there will be opportunity to have a chat with a cup of tea and cosy warmth given off by the ceramic sculptures to the exhibition space in the chapel.
There is no need to register, just make sure you are present in the chapel on time. Hope to see you then!
ARTIST TOUR: 'One cubic meter of gas'
ARTIST TOURS: David Camargo & Amauta García take you through the exhibition One cubic meter of gas!
Don't miss it! On Saturday 25 November, 2 December and 9 December (the last day of the exhibition), artists Amauta and David will be present at Hotel Maria Chapel to give visitors a special tour of the exhibition. These tours start at 16:00 and last about 15 minutes. Afterwards, there will be opportunity to have a chat with a cup of tea and cosy warmth given off by the ceramic sculptures to the exhibition space in the chapel.
There is no need to register, just make sure you are present in the chapel on time. Hope to see you then!
HMK Film club presents: 'Journey to the Center of the World' with David Camargo & Amauta García
Admittance incl. drink: €5,-
Make a reservation by sending an email to
As part of the exhibition One cubic meter of gas by David Camargo & Amauta García, Cinema Perdu, HMK's film club, will screen the 1959 Henry Levin-directed film Journey to the Center of the World.
19:30: Doors open
20:00: Start movie
21:15: Guided tout through the exhibition by the artists
21:45: Resuming movie
22:45: End
* Are you interested in seeing exceptional art house films and true cult classics? Then sign up for HMK's film club, Cinema Perdu. This film club, led by Wout Visser and Louis Swagerman, organises a continuous program in the cinema space in the basement of the chapel. Stay up-to-date with the program, subscribe for the newsletter.
'Dubbelnep', workshop media wisdom for elderly people
Workshops on fake news and deep fake films for seniors!
Tickets: €5, register and order via or
(organised in Dutch)
Exhibition: 'One cubic meter of gas'
Visit the exhibition One cubic meter of gas by Amauta García and David Camargo!
How long does it take to create one cubic meter of gas? For their project at Hotel Maria Kapel artists David Camargo and Amauta García reflect on the exhaustive exploitation of natural resources with an experiment where they connect a ceramic heater sculpture to a biodigester which generates heat from compost, thus warming up the cold chapel during the last months of the year.
Opening: 'One cubic meter of gas'
Join us for the opening of One cubic meter of gas by Amauta García and David Camargo!
How long does it take to create one cubic meter of gas? For their project at Hotel Maria Kapel artists David Camargo and Amauta García reflect on the exhaustive exploitation of natural resources with an experiment where they connect a ceramic heater sculpture to a biodigester which generates heat from compost, thus warming up the cold chapel during the last months of the year.
‘Walking tour’ through Hoorn with Mella Jaarsma and Julian Wijnstein
Participate in the walking tour though Hoorn with Mella Jaarsma, as part of Your Gold is not Our Glory by Mira Asriningtyas & Dito Yuwono.
HMK Plant Band in Ableton Live
HMK Plant Band in Ableton Live
25 October, 15:00
led by Remco Visker of Popschool Remco Visker
On 25 October, HMK organised Plant Band in Ableton Live, led by Remco Visker. Together with a group of enthusiastic teenagers, sensors on plant leaves were used to investigate how biological processes in plants, such as sap flows, can be translated into synthesiser sounds. These sounds were then brought together and supplemented with sounds from different (digital) instruments during an improv jam session. We were amazed by the organ(ic) sounds and enjoyed providing the chapel with thunderous sounds from Plant Band.
Plant Band in Ableton Live is a collaboration between HMK and Pop School Remco Visker, who developed and supervised the workshop. It came about as part of the project The Plantiarchy by Bernice Nauta and Gijsje Heemskerk, which was on view at HMK earlier this year.
Slag op de Zuiderzee weekend
Saturday 14 October, 20:00-23:00
Reflections on the exhibition Your Gold is not Our Glory by Inez Piso-Tuncay (guided tour) and Inèza Messack (lecture and singing).
Regenboogweek Lo-fi Mixer
As part of the Regenboogweek Westfriesland 2023, you are invited to come to drop by at HMK on Saturday 14 October, from 13:00 to 17:00, for a relaxed and low-stimulus afternoon where you can meet new friends while enjoying free drinks and regenboog snacks. During this Lo-fi Mixer, you can also visit the exhibition Your Gold is not Our Glory. Be welcome!
Exhibition: ‘Your Gold is not Our Glory’ by Mira Asriningtyas, Dito Yuwono a.o.
Visit the exhibition Your Gold is not Our Glory by Mira Asriningtyas & Dito Yuwono, with work by Jompet Kuswidananto, Ipeh Nur, Mella Jaarsma and Westfries Museum.
Opening: ‘Your Gold is not Our Glory’ by Mira Asriningtyas, Dito Yuwono a.o.
Join us for the opening of Your Gold is not Our Glory by Mira Asriningtyas & Dito Yuwono, with work by Jompet Kuswidananto, Ipeh Nur, Mella Jaarsma and Westfries Museum. (more information will follow soon)
‘A little bit like the soul’, a conversation between Sijben Rosa and Simon(e) van Saarloos
Online film viewing w/ a public talk between artist Sijben Rosa and Simon(e) van Saarloos
Thursday, 28 September 2023, 18:00-19:30 CET (organised in English)