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Announcement of artists for the 2025 year program ‘Whispers of Resistance, A Year of Softness’

with Yin Yin Wong, Caleb Witvoet, Finn Anton Maätita, Ribka M. Pattinama Coleman & Jerrold Eliano Saija, Skye Maule-O’Brien & Mirjam Linschooten, and Leonie Brandner.

Hotel Maria Kapel (HMK) is proud to present the selected artists for the 2025 program Whispers of Resistance, A Year of Softness. In a time when crises and polarization are driving us further apart, HMK opts for a counter-movement: a year where softness takes center stage as a way to examine societal urgencies. The program builds on previous residencies, where themes such as slowing down, translation, and healing were explored. This year, HMK focuses on how softness can be a powerful tool in times of tension.

The artists of 2025 will each contribute to this softness through their unique perspectives and practices. Yin Yin Wong investigates the unheard stories of the (South) East Asian diaspora in the Netherlands, departing from personal experiences and the portrayal of this community. Caleb Witvoet explores the creative rebellion of graffiti and skateboarding as forms of civil disobedience in a large installation that draws parallels between the chapel's arches and the curves of a skate ramp. Finn Anton Maätita, Ribka M. Pattinama Coleman & Jerrold Eliano Saija continue their collaboration, exploring their shared connections to the Moluccan land and voices in the diaspora. Skye Maule-O’Brien & Mirjam Linschooten focus on the capitalization of wind in the Caribbean and how this colonial legacy still exerts influence today. Finally, Leonie Brandner delves into origin stories within mythological narratives and translates them into an installation that will fill the chapel.

In 2025, HMK will offer a space where softness becomes a tool to soften the harsh edges of our time. We look forward to welcoming and supporting the chosen artists as they work on their projects in our beloved chapel.

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Meet our new intern: Woohyun Kim

Woohyun Kim is a new intern at HMK. He is studying Dutch art history at Utrecht University. He is interested in the cultural relationship between the Netherlands and Korea and his research interest focuses on Korean Diaspora Art in the Netherlands. As an intern, he would work at HMK until the end of January, 2025. 

“I am really happy to work as an intern at HMK, and I’m looking forward to working with the artists and team. I am very interested in the exhibitions this year and next year, which often reflect on postcolonial discourse and the history of Hoorn. I’m excited to support and help HMK and the team as they take on new challenges in contemporary art and bring different perspectives to the public!”

Welcome Woohyun, glad to have you!

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Meet our new assistant curator: Ayunda Stel

From February 2024, Ayunda Stel has been appointed at Hotel Maria Kapel as assistant curator, where she will support artistic director Inez Piso-Tuncay in realizing the artistic direction. A recent graduate of the Cultural Heritage programme at the Reinwardt Academy, her work is always in search of the unwritten stories that artists carry and how to unlock them to an audience. Welcome to the team, Ayunda!

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Vacancy: assistent curator (Dutch)

Als assistent-curator werk je nauw samen met de artistiek directeur van HMK en wordt je actief betrokken bij de inhoudelijke processen die binnen de artist-in-residency plaatsvinden.

Interesse? Solliciteer dan vóór 7 november 2023, door een mail te schrijven naar waarin je 1 PDF stuurt met daarin je CV en een motivatiebrief waarin je kort vertelt (max. 500 woorden) wat je ambities zijn, waarom je geïnteresseerd bent en wat je zou toevoegen als assistent-curator. Je mag ook een video sturen met een maximale grootte van 12MB.

NB: Voor deze functie is een goede beheersing van de Nederlandse taal vereist.

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Special loan at Hotel Maria Kapel

For the project Your Gold is not Our Glory by Mira Asriningtyas and Dito Yuwono, the Westfries Museum has loaned a 19th-century boat model made of cloves to Hotel Maria Kapel. This particular piece was made in the Moluccas (now part of Indonesia) in the 19th century and is on display leading up to-as well as during-the exhibition of the same name until 21 October.

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UPDATE: Open Call 2024

We are extremely pleased with the large number of applications for the Open Call 2024! We are currently working on making a first selection, but with over 500 submissions, this will take a bit longer than expected. We understand that everyone is looking forward to an answer and we will do our best to give it as soon as possible. Nevertheless, we ask for your patience while we carefully go through the submissions. We expect to notify everyone by the end of the summer.

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In solidarity of Turkey and Syria

We stand in solidarity with the victims of the recent earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. If you feel powerless and want to help, please consider donating to one of the following organizations.

We will also share some of the many initiatives artists started to generate a network of support and fundraising in order to support the victims of the earthquakes.

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Are you excited to gain experience in the cultural field and witness from up close how contemporary art projects are created, both in front of and behind the scenes? Then let us know! Hotel Maria Kapel is looking for an intern to support the team in carrying out various tasks. You will work directly with the artistic director and assist her in the organization of current and upcoming projects, but you will also help on the floor with production tasks during build ups and/or events.

The specific details and starting date of your internship can be discussed. Send an e-mail with a short motivation to before 19 December.

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Vacancy: board members

In order to complement and expand the current board, Hotel Maria Kapel is looking for new board members who have affinity with contemporary art and the activities of Hotel Maria Kapel in Hoorn for 4 to 6 meetings a year and additional time for advice and controlling check-in moments of ±3 hours a month.

Vacancy: board members
unpaid position
4 to 6 board meetings a year
±3 hours a month for advice and support

Start: Around November 2022
Deadline to apply: 31 October 2022

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Announcement: artists in residence 2023

Hotel Maria Kapel is proud to announce the artists in residence for the year 2023. We invited artists and other kinds of practitioners to live and work at Hotel Maria Kapel, to develop and present a project in any form, resonating or responding to the 16th-century building, the specific context of Hoorn.

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Happy New Year!

Hotel Maria Kapel is delighted to enter the new year with the 2022 programma Connective tissue and the group of artists in residence with whom we’re going to explore much-needed notions of repair and healing. We would also like to officially welcome Inez Piso as interim artistic director of HMK, replacing Tirza Kater since December 2021 with developing the projects for the coming year.

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2022 Year Programme: ‘Connective tissue’

Hotel Maria Kapel is pleased to announce the 2022 program Connective tissue, with artists: Dasha Golova, Benjamin Francis, Ana Linhares, Afra Eisma & Kubilay Mert Ural, Pérez Bravo Collective, Niki Milioni and Vita Buivid.

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‘Inside Archive’, permanent installation by Rik Dijkhuizen

With Inside Archive, artist and HMK alumnus Rik Dijkhuizen places a monumental yet understated yellow cube on the mezzanine of HMK’s minty green reception area, which explores practices of care within the context of spatial design, archiving, and mental wellbeing.

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Open call 2022

With pleasure and excitement, Hotel Maria Kapel (HMK) invites proposals from all kinds of artistic practitioners to develop a project at Hotel Maria Kapel (HMK) in 2022. This open call does not invite practitioners to respond to a theme, rather we invite you to raise and conceptualise your questions and urgencies in the form of a project proposal.

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On Shelter: year programme 2021

HMK is proud to announce its 2021 programme and artists in residence. The residents were chosen on the basis of a juried open call in spring 2020: Ganesh Nepal (NP), Setareh Noorani & Matt Plezier (NL), Minne Kersten (NL), Danai Giannoglou (GR), Alina Lupu (RO), Ada Patterson (BB), SX Juul (DK).

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