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'Dubbelnep', workshop media wisdom for elderly people

Workshops on fake news and deep fake films for seniors!
Tickets: €5, register and order via www.netwerkhoorn.nl or www.hoornbeweegt.nl
(organised in Dutch)

The media wisdom workshop Dubbelnep takes a closer look at fake news and the increasingly common deep fake films. Your knowledge on these subjects will be brushed up with the help of a media wisdom quiz and a quartet game, specially designed by artist Martijn Aerts! The workshop, which is specially designed for elderly people, is clearly structured. We explore how (gut) feelings can be evoked by images. We analyse a number of fake news stories and you get to work on writing your own fake news story. Then you will narrate your own news report via an app. With this app, you attach a face of a well-known person to a news item you have recorded.

Through this workshop you gain experience in recognising and writing fake news items and in making fake news videos. In the process, you will become acquainted with one of the many future applications of artificial intelligence.

Hotel Maria Kapel: Sunday 12 November: 13:30-16:00
Wijkcentrum Grote Waal: Tuesday 14 November 10.00-12.30
Wijkcentrum Huesmolen: Wednesday 29 November 10.00-12.30
Woon-, en zorgcentrum: Thursday 30 November 15:00-17:30
Wijkcentrum Zaagtand: Wednesday 6 December 13.00-15.30
Wijkcentrum de Cogge: Wednesday 13 December 10.00-12.30
Wijkcentrum Kersenboogerd: Wednesday 20 December 13.00-15.30
Westerhaven: Friday 5 January 14:00-16:00
Wijkcentrum de Kreek

The Dubbelnep workshop is an initiative of Jetset for film education. Partners are Netwerk Hoorn and Hotel Maria Kapel. This project is made possible with help of of the Lang Leve Kunst Fonds and the VSB Fonds.

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