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Niki Milioni, 'Wenskompas; thuis in jezelf zijn'

Join us for the publication presentation of Wenskompas; thuis in jezelf zijn by Niki Milioni
Friday, 24 March 2023, 17:00-20:00
*Please note: this event is organised in Dutch
Make a reservation (free)

Wenskompas is a publication that came forth from a series of children's workshops organised by Niki Milioni at HMK in 2022. During the launch of the publication, she developed a special programme activating the Wenskompas through a mini-workshop: Wensfeest.

17:00 Doors open
17:30 Presentation Wenskompas
17:45 Wensfeest with meditation and activity
18:30 Drinks and bites

Admission is free and open to all. So come on time and join the journey that Niki Milioni would love to share with you!


25 March - 29 April 2023
Visit HMK and partake in Niki Milioni's living installation by activating your own Wenskompas (in Dutch)!

24 februari

Opening: ‘The Plantiarchy’ by Gijsje Heemskerk and Bernice Nauta

25 maart

Niki Milioni, Wenskompas; thuis in jezelf zijn (presentation)