Leonie Brandner, [titel]

·Residency: 16 October - 21 November 2025
·Meet & Greet: 23 October, 16:00-19:00
·Opening: 21 November 2025 (to be confirmed)
·Exhibition: 21 November - 13 December 2025

During her residency, Leonie Brandner will research "moonhorns": ceramic objects shaped like crescent moons or horns from Minoan culture, about which further knowledge is entirely absent.

Leonie Brandner holds an MA in Artistic Research and an advanced course in Ethnobotany and Ethnomedicine from the University in Zurich. I regularly collaborate with the opera-singer Nina Guo to write songs for my installations as a way of voicing ecological concerns in a form that is felt inside the body and makes sense on a level beyond mere logic. My work has been shown in artist run spaces and museums across Europe, among others in exhibitions at the Aargauer Kunsthaus (CH), the Barbican Greenhouse (UK), Stroom Den Haag (NL), Liebermann Villa (DE), and the Casino Display (LU).


Finn Maätita, Ribka Coleman & Jerrold Saija


Skye Maule-O’Brien & Mirjam Linschooten